Monday, July 18, 2011

The Long-Awaited Post

This blog should probably have been written ages ago, but I have just come around to finally typing it all down. Let’s hope that I don’t forget any immensely important detail! So the theme of this week’s blog is “Shandre’s Placement”! I can just imagine all of you erupting in a spontaneous roar with an immeasurable amount of joy! Do not fret; I was also as you when this news arrived to me!
It all began on the last day of Moab. As I had earlier speculated, Moab is a place of wonder that can make any dream come true. There was no doubt in my mind about this fact, and now I have some tangible proof of my theories. Dr. Ewing had called me while I was off being adventurous, and in his message he told me that he had spoken to Herr Nedermierer about the lack of news about my placement. It seems that even he thought that I was waiting much too long! It is nice to know that I am not just an impatient teenager that doesn’t value delayed gratification. Over many phone calls and emails it became apparent that I will be staying in Bavaria, Germany for my year abroad, and following that I learned that I will be living in Regensburg. Oh the irony! The only other exchange student to be staying in District 1880 – Upper Bavaria will also be living in Regensburg! I can see that he and I will have a lot of fun… he might not realize this yet, but we will be best friends.
So after this news I just went on with my life, awaiting my Guarantee Form. Little did I know (like my little literary technique?) that my host sister was going to Facebook add me. If any of you know my personally you are aware that I must make an ass (excuse my French) of myself every chance I get. She sent me a message that she was my host sister, but I didn’t read it before I told her all about my exchange. I did later realize my mistake, and thank goodness she had the sense of humor to understand that I am just a weary traveler with little technological skill.
Would you like to meet my host family? Well even if you don’t I am going to introduce you… well show you pictures of them in hopes that you feel a connection J They are the Maluche’s, and don’t feel distressed if you don’t know how to pronounce their surname, because I didn’t know either. Those darn Germans with their intricate accents (I say that with a lot of love).
My host mother and father (Christoph and Sabine): it is quite funny that I will be leaving my nurse mother to go live with my nurse host mother! My host father is a Doctor of Orthopedics and seems so friendly J

My host sister (Johanna - 15): she is going to Taiwan on August 20, so I won’t get to meet her, but we have gotten to talk a lot. She is fantastic and really nice to me…

My host brother (Max – 18): What is there really to say? He is 18 and is going to be my brother. Oh yes, he definitely has… different taste in music than I do. But I love him all the same!

My host brother (Moritz – 16): Someone my age! This is something to be excited about? Yes.

So my host family is pretty freaking awesome! I have spoken with them on the phone and they sound very… German. Hooray!
Well I think I am going to go clean my nose piercing now... oh yes! Did I mention that I impaled my nose with a sharp piece of metal? Well if I forgot this is your update of my rebellious natures.

1 comment:

  1. Regensburg is fantastic. I went there on vacation once, and it's probably the most beautiful cities I've ever been to. You'll love it!! Congratulations!
