Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Deutschland uber Alles!

And with a slight shake I was on the ground of a country that I would have to embrace as my own for the next year. I disembarked the plane and a wave and heat produced a sweat line on my forehead. This was a very foreboding sign for me. Wasn’t I saying how grateful I was that I wasn’t going to South America or Asia because I would escape the heat?
It took two days for the oppressing heat and moisture in the air to subside (either that or I had gotten used to it). The days went quickly for I was entertained and still adjusting my new home.  
Mein Schlaftzimmer
Corn... Corn... and did I mention Corn?
Me and my new best friend: Indie

Most of the time was spent playing games such as Kniffel (German Yahtzee) and Rummy. Moritz said that my German gets better when we are playing games, and I kind of agree with him. But the games are composed of numbers so it isn’t a great accomplishment!
Kniffel... Moritz won so many times I am sure he was cheating  :)
I realized that German people are pretty much the exact same as Americans… apart of some things. For example, they have needs. And you know what needs I am talking about! I saw a few “adult” stores on the way from Munich to Regensburg and it gave me a little giggle!
Coca-Cola Zero! In Deutsch!
German people have to drink too...
My German had gotten exceedingly better, even though I haven’t even been here for a week! I have to admit that I have no clue what people are talking about most of the time, and I get excessively curious when I hear someone say my name. I guess I deserve all these feelings because I do the same thing to my friends. That’s the wonder of knowing a foreign language!
Until next time :)

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